Typhoon day flood control emergency communication system solutions

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In view of the current difficulties in flood prevention and rescue, Beifeng Communication has created a portable solution with "different frequency relay station (BF-TR925)+ cross-segment relay station (BF-TR925D)+ digital terminal (BF-TD910)" as the networking architecture

According to the meteorological department monitoring shows that at 2 o 'clock on July 18, the 6th typhoon "fireworks" in the northwest Pacific Ocean generated;Typhoon Chapakah, the seventh typhoon of the year, formed in the northern part of the South China Sea at 8 a.m. Monday。

Since the beginning of summer, the south of our country has entered the main flood season。Some areas have been hit by the heaviest rainfall so far this year, and many rivers have flooded above warning levels。Meteorological experts said that Typhoon "Chapaka", "fireworks" one after another, is expected to Zhejiang, Fujian, Shanghai, Jiangsu and other East China coastal areas caused by varying degrees of impact, need to pay attention to prevention of continued heavy rainfall may cause urban and rural waterlogging, flash floods, mudslides, landslides and other disasters。

In view of the current difficulties in flood prevention and rescue, Beifeng Communication has created a portable solution with "different frequency relay station (BF-TR925)+ cross-segment relay station (BF-TR925D)+ digital terminal (BF-TD910)" as the networking architecture:

① Inter-departmental temporary communication

Emergency rescue, public security, fire, communications, electricity, medical and health, transportation and other emergency teams of nearly 1,000 people to carry out flood control rescue, because of the different frequency of different departments, how to ensure that the internal departments of the upper and lower levels, cross-departmental interoperability, while ensuring non-interference, has become the primary consideration of emergency communication during the flood control period。

In this regard, Beifeng Communication adopts BF-TR925D to realize wireless link bridge. When a BF-TR925D cannot meet the needs of communication distance, the communication distance can be extended by adding cross-segment repeater stations。In the actual flood control operation, the cross-band communication between rescue team A and Rescue team B is realized under the condition of no IP network。

② Fast group building without interference

When the danger escalates or the flood is discharged from the dam, how can the command center or team leaders quickly, accurately and without interference convey the instructions to the first-line rescue personnel in the flood discharge area?Beifeng Communication locks a single channel through the BF-TD910 digital terminal and conducts on-site team formation to facilitate the superior to form a flood prevention and rescue team in real time on the scene。

③ Remote signal protection

The flood situation brought by typhoons is mostly accompanied by damage to power and communication equipment in local areas and traffic disruptions。The rescue team can only send a small number of rescue personnel to the front line, and most of them need to provide data transmission and support in the rear, which is a difficulty in long-distance communication without network conditions。In response to this situation, Beifeng Communication sets up base stations or knapsack relays between flood control points, and expands the communication distance by flexibly transferring the position of front-line personnel in real time。At the same time, BF-TR925(D) relay station +BF-TD910 handheld terminal is used to form a 5-10km knap-back relay network communication to realize the real-time communication between the reservoir management station and the rescue and inspection personnel in the upstream and downstream of the dam。

In addition, the flood control emergency communication vehicle can be equipped with BF-TR925(D) as a supplementary coverage of the fixed base station, and can also be independently networked as a bridge interconnection across segments。Equipped with BF-TD910 handheld terminal can make up for the distance pain points of terminal products at the flood control site, achieve long-distance communication coverage, meet the field personnel's individual combat communication operation, and ensure that the equipment is opened, withdrawn and transferred timely, accurately and safely under emergency conditions。

  • Temporary interdepartmental communication
  • Fast group building without interference
  • Remote signal support
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